Drivers Negligence Insurance

What is
Drivers Negligence Insurance?

Drivers Negligence Insurance or DNI Insurance, is an extension that provides cover against claims made in respect of accidental damage to a hiring clients vechicle, as a result of any agency supplied driver's (a temporary worker's) negligence, who may be supplied by a driving agency, recruitment company, or umbrella company.

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Disclaimer: This article is an iteration of an old LinkedIn post as an insurance professional and are my thoughts and not in anyway affiliated to my employer. This article, serves solely for informational purposes.

Who requires this cover?

This cover is normally something that is insisted upon by end clients, which you may have come across when working with the likes of Argos, Wincanton, or DHL. It enables the end client to reclaim repair costs for any damages caused to their vehicle caused by the negligence of the temporary worker provided by you up to the limit as stated in the schedule - whether this be £5,000, £10,000 or up to £25,000 in any one claim (and subject to the applicable excess).

DNI | DN Insurance

Why do I
need this insurance?

This cover protects the end hirers motor fleet policy from picking up unnecessary costs through no fault of their own, as your insurance policy would pick up the claim wherever appropriate. This type of insurance, is uniquely referred to as driving agency insurance or drivers negligence insurance and only appropriate, to the staffing sector.

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Points to note...

Its worthwhile noting that this aspect of cover only extends to cover damage caused to the vehicle provided by the end hirer as a result of an accident when being driven by a temporary worker. It does not extend to covering claims for third party vehicles, property or bodily injury; these constitute Road Traffic Accidents and must be insured for appropriately to comply with the Road Traffic Act which would usually sit as part of the end hirers Motor Fleet policy itself.

Want to know some numbers?

The numbers below reflect the typical availability in the market and can change from insurer-to-insurer so is not to be taken definitively.

Typical Limit
Typical Max
Typical Excess

What other services can I provide as part of my current role?

As part of my professional role at Locktons LLP, I can offer a wide range of services to compliment our offering to our clients, both new and existing - this is one of the reasons we're pleased to say, that we have a 100% retention of clients.

Insurance Reviews

We can offer you a completely free insurance review, checking through your current policies highlighting any potential exposures.

Contract Reviews

Whilst we are not qualified legal advisors (but we do have a team that are...), we know insurance and can review contracts to ensure there are no discrepancies in your insurance whereby you could fall short.

Third Party Services

Having arranged these insurances and dealing with the staffing sector for well in excess of a decade, we know people. Whether you need factoring services, a DBS checking facility - we can put you in touch.

Claims examples

The below are some examples of where Drivers Negligence Insurance may respond.


A driver reverses into a bollard causing damage to the trailer / tail-lift;


A driver misgauges or doesn’t read the height restrictions on a bridge and subsequently gets themselves stuck causing damage to the roof of the vehicle;


A driver shunts a vehicle in front of them as they misgauged the stopping distance.

Don't waste anymore of your time

I work for the largest independantly owned insurance brokerage. Hit the button to be sent to a form, complete the details then I will work with you to arrange a quote.