Hello 👋

I'm Jordan Mitchell

I'm an insurance broker and aspiring solopreneur. I insure a range of commercial establishments, with a niche towards the staffing sector in both underwriting and broking capacities.

Outside of the gritty world of insurance... I build websites and learn to code and spend time with my family! See below, for what else I can help you with.

Philosophy: Simplicity, Best Practices and Exceptional Professionalism backed by over a Decades Experience.


What else can I help you with?

Fulfilling your insurance requirements

With nearly two decades of insurance experience, if you operate a commercial establishment, via my day-to-day role, I can assist with your insurance requirements.

Business Ventures

I have a keen eye for detail and can assist with your ideas for new ventures that you may have in mind.

5 ⭐ service

As an individual, I am a firm believer in relationships and will always provide you with the best service possible.


Have working in the industry and outside, I have access to numerous partners that can assist you with other suited products, such as invoice financing etc.

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Various Posts

Some various posts that I have done, touching on various insurance topics.

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